Thanks to Internet, local information can be disseminated quickly, domestically and around the world. This is exactly the role played by since 1998 : staying connected a, mong others, with the Moroccan community abroad. The website accompanies interactively the national news on a daily basis through a broad range of headings. The website links lead visitors to a number
The topics covered are so diverse that they nurture the curiosity of users of all types, satisfying their need for information that is fresh and highly specific. Thus, the editorial team devotes a large part of the coverage to politics and sports. It also provides information about social and cultural issues. More importantly, acts as an information bridge between
Since 1998, the editorial team is striving to provide relevant, quality and very often first-hand news to millions of loyal readers through generations. That can only be viewed as a reflection of the newspaper’s independent stand. Thanks to a broad diversity of the covered topics, Al Ahdath Al Maghribia has managed to maintain its leading position among the Arabic dailies.
As the world turns its attention to the African continent as a source of wealth, economic growth and technological development, Africa is also home of countries whose policies are constantly changing in front of huge challenges including the precarious living conditions of the majority of the African population. The editorial policy of “Pouvoirs d’Afrique” highlights the importance of the men